We put you first

There has been a significant event in your life. An event that you cannot and do not want to deal with alone. You have been the victim of a crime. You might have been robbed and injured, physically abused by a family member or injured during a traffic accident – there are many different kinds of incident. You feel grief, anger, fear, uncertainty – and you are looking for professional support to help you through this difficult time.
We will give you this support.

Who is eligible for support from us
Opferberatung Zürich counsels and supports people, regardless of gender, age, origin and religion. People who are victims under the terms of the Swiss Victim Assistance Act (Opferhilfegesetz). Here are just a few examples of typical situations in which we provide support (of course, there are many other different cases):

…have been beaten unconscious by a group of youths.
…are parents who are continuously being threatened by your son.
…are the daughter or son of a violent father.
…are a man who has been beaten by your partner.
…are a young person who has experienced sexual advances from your
trainer at your sports club.
…have been injured in a traffic accident.

We welcome not only the people who have been affected directly, but also family members or people who are close to the victim. We listen to you and explain your rights and options, as well as show you a way forward.

Just get in touch with us
Our counselling services are free of charge and strictly confidential. Call us or write to us – today: 044 299 40 50 or opferberatung@obzh.ch. The first time you telephone or email us, we are only able to communicate in German. If you do not speak German and are unable to bring anyone with you who can interpret for you, we will be happy to organise an interpreter.

Who is not eligible for support from us
If you are a woman who is suffering physical abuse at the hands of your partner or ex- partner, or if a man has made sexual advances towards you, there are specialised counselling centres for you. Please contact
bif Frauenberatung (physical abuse by a partner)
Nottelefon Zürich/Winterthur (sexual violence)
Castagna (sexual exploitation in childhood)

You will find further information about victim support on the information sheet published by the Department of Victim Support for the Canton of Zurich.

You will find detailed information in German here:

We provide free and confidential counselling
044 299 40 50